touchFree This applications enables SSH and SFTP, and installs, Trip1Pogostick and an alpha version of SummerBoard.
It is the easiest and most reliable of all jailbreaks for that iPod touch, Mac or PC, released so far and has been in development for the longest.
Currently, touchFree is only available on the PC. A mac jailbreak called iJailbreak is available here.
News I have a new version that requires no download! This version only requires you to visit on your iPod or iPhone. DO NOT VISIT THE niacin jailbreak site before. Nothing needs to be installed on your computer. After you visit the site, Safari will crash and about 30 seconds later, the iPod will reboot automatically. You will then have a device with and SSH (with the on/off switch) automatically installed!
Please be patient before the iPod reboots. Your screen will show nothing happening, but your device is actually working furiously to install everything.
This method will only be good for as long as the TIFF exploit is open, but it's the easiest way yet since there's no need for you to download anything.
Major thanks to hdm of Metasploit for his work and informative blog entries. Props to rezn for being the first to get an auto-jailbreaking working off of the metasploit code, although this is an entirely independent implementation that does not rely on raw TCP.
Older alphas I'm testing an alpha of a new version of the program. It can be found here. The benefits include having only one single reboot step. Only Installer and SummerBoard are installed, but you have the option of getting SSH by installing the OpenSSH package in Installer. Please contact me with any feedback.
I am also testing a cross-platform Java version. The alpha is available here. This alpha has no interface, really, but it's probably the best one yet since it has an on/off switch for SSH (to save battery). Please read the README for details.
I've released the in-development iPhuc interface code for Java under GPL v3. The other code will also soon be released under the same license.
Note that if this is your first try, I advise you to use the web-only version. If you want to use the older, proven method of connecting the iPod to a computer, I advise you to use the Java alpha, but if you have succeeded with 0.6 before and you need automatic SSH installation, you should use 0.6
.NET Framework 3.0
iPod 1.1.1 firmware installed: Check on your iPod with Settings->General->About
A copy of iTunes installed on your computer that is able to sync with your iPod
You need a wi-fi connection on your iPod to do the initial TIFF hack (visiting one link with Safari). An internet connection is not required for the rest of the jailbreak
Optional preparation
Restore your iPod to a fresh 1.1.1 state (recommended)
Exit out of iTunes. Using Task Manager (ctrl-alt-delete), end any other iTunes processes running on your computer, such as iTunesHelper.exe, or iPodService.exe.
Download and install touchFree. Current version is 0.6
Run touchFree and follow the onscreen instructions
If you are sure you have .NET Framework 3.0, then you can just download zip file version.
Contact/Support Semi-original forum thread If it worked for you, why not donate
일단 위의 사이트에서 설명된 내용을 간단히 번역하자면 아래와 같습니다.
touchFree는 SSH, SFTP를 사용하게 하고,Trip1Pogostick 그리고 SummerBoard 알파버전을 설치함. iPod Touch의 jailbreaks 중 가장 쉽고 신뢰할만한 툴임. 현재 PC에만 가능하고 Mac은 iJailbreaks 이라고 부르며 이곳을 클릭하세요.
최신 버전은 설치가 필요없고 iPhone, iPod으로 단지 접속하면 됨. 절대 THE niacin jailbreak site 를 방문하지 마세요. (이곳이 어딘지 모르겠네요...) 사이트를 방문하면 사파리가 Crash (작살나고)되고 30초후 아이팟이 자동으로 리붓팅 됨.
리부팅후 보면 Installer.app와 SSH (with the on/off switch)가 자동으로 설치되어 있음을 확인할 수 있음.
뒷글은 기존버전인 설치형에 대해 설명하고 있습니다. 사실 더이상 알필요가 없다는 것입니다... 왜냐면 설치형 jailbreak는 안써되 되거든요. 혹시 필요하시면 더 읽어보시면 되겠습니다. 근데 설치형을 깔기 위해 사전 준비할것도 많군요. .NET Framework 3.0도 깔아야하고 이래저래 준비할게 많습니다.